
New desks for Kachere School

Not many classrooms in the primary schools we support have desks for the children. Mostly the 100 or so children in a classroom sit on the floor with books resting on their knees. Over the last few years we have worked with schools to renovate some of the desks they already had but had broken through constant wear and tear.

Recently however we have set up a pilot project where we consulted with headteachers and local tradesmen to develop a design for more durable desks, created to cope with a high number of children in a classroom. The photograph above shows the outcome. Working with hardwood and the best quality metal tubes we could find, the desks and benches were custom built to fit in the classroom at Kachere School. All this was made possible thanks to a generous donation from a benefactor from Merseyside.

We will assess the durability of the design during the next 12 months and if necessary tweak the design before rolling it out in other schools.

Maybe the final words should be left to the headteacher from Kachere School, Mr Lawrence Banda “ I cannot believe how amazing the classroom looks. That classroom will become the envy not just of the rest of the school but also of all other schools in the district. Thank you N4BW”

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